
446 lines
11 KiB

/* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */
#include <sourcemod>
#include <tf2>
#include <tf2_stocks>
#include <sdkhooks>
new String:clientParticle[MAXPLAYERS+1][256];
new Handle:hProjectileArray[56];
new curSecCount=-1;
new Handle:hDb = INVALID_HANDLE;
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "ClientParticles",
author = "Chefe",
description = "Set your own particle effect",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_particles", Command_Particles, "Set your own custom projectile particle effects");
HookEvent("player_changeclass", Event_PlayerChangeClass);
SQL_TConnect(InitDBHnld, "clientparticles");
public InitDBHnld(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data)
if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Database connection failed: %s", error);
hDb = hndl;
public Event_PlayerChangeClass(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
PrintToServer("Class changed, update requested");
CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_Update, client);
public Action:Timer_Update(Handle:timer, any:client)
stock ProcessConfigFile(const String:file[])
new String:sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfigFile, sizeof(sConfigFile), file);
if (!FileExists(sConfigFile))
Config file doesn't exists, stop the plugin
LogError("[CP] Plugin startup failed! Could not find file %s", sConfigFile);
SetFailState("Could not find file %s", sConfigFile);
else if (!ParseConfigFile(sConfigFile))
Couldn't parse the file, stop the plugin
LogError("[SM] Plugin is not running! Failed to parse %s", sConfigFile);
SetFailState("Parse error on file %s", sConfigFile);
stock bool:ParseConfigFile(const String:file[])
new Handle:hParser = SMC_CreateParser();
new String:error[128];
new line = 0;
new col = 0;
Define the parser functions
SMC_SetReaders(hParser, Config_NewSection, Config_KeyValue, Config_EndSection);
SMC_SetParseEnd(hParser, Config_End);
Parse the file and get the result
new SMCError:result = SMC_ParseFile(hParser, file, line, col);
if (result != SMCError_Okay)
SMC_GetErrorString(result, error, sizeof(error));
LogError("%s on line %d, col %d of %s", error, line, col, file);
return (result == SMCError_Okay);
public SMCResult:Config_NewSection(Handle:parser, const String:section[], bool:quotes)
if (StrEqual(section, "projectiles"))
return SMCParse_Continue;
hProjectileArray[curSecCount] = CreateArray(32, 0);
PushArrayString(hProjectileArray[curSecCount], section);
return SMCParse_Continue;
public SMCResult:Config_KeyValue(Handle:parser, const String:key[], const String:value[], bool:key_quotes, bool:value_quotes)
if(StrEqual(key, "display", false))
PushArrayString(hProjectileArray[curSecCount], value);
PrintToServer("[PC_DEBUG] New value %s to key %s to array %i", value, key, curSecCount);
else if (StrEqual(key, "effect", false))
new index = PushArrayString(hProjectileArray[curSecCount], value);
PrintToServer("[PC_DEBUG] New value %s to key %s to array %i with index %i", value, key, curSecCount, index);
return SMCParse_Continue;
public SMCResult:Config_EndSection(Handle:parser)
return SMCParse_Continue;
public Config_End(Handle:parser, bool:halted, bool:failed)
if (failed)
SetFailState("Plugin configuration error");
public Action:Command_Particles(client, args)
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(Menu_Particles);
SetMenuTitle(menu, "Choose the projectile");
for (new i=0; i<32; i++)
if (hProjectileArray[i] != INVALID_HANDLE && hProjectileArray[i])
new String:projectileName[256];
GetArrayString(hProjectileArray[i], 0, projectileName, sizeof(projectileName));
new String:displayName[256];
GetArrayString(hProjectileArray[i], 1, displayName, sizeof(displayName));
//new String:secNum[5];
//IntToString(i, secNum, sizeof(secNum));
AddMenuItem(menu, projectileName, displayName);
SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Menu_Particles(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
/* If an option was selected, tell the client about the item. */
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
new String:projectile[256];
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, projectile, sizeof(projectile));
new Handle:effectmenu = CreateMenu(Menu_Effect);
SetMenuTitle(effectmenu, "Choose your effect");
new client = param1;
for (new a=0; a<32; a++)
if (hProjectileArray[a] != INVALID_HANDLE && hProjectileArray[a])
new String:projectileName[256];
GetArrayString(hProjectileArray[a], 0, projectileName, sizeof(projectileName));
if (StrEqual(projectile, projectileName))
for (new g=1; g<=(GetArraySize(hProjectileArray[a])-2); g++)
new String:myNewItem[256];
GetArrayString(hProjectileArray[a], g+1, myNewItem, sizeof(myNewItem));
if (!StrEqual(myNewItem, NULL_STRING))
AddMenuItem(effectmenu, myNewItem, myNewItem);
// Pass projetile to menu as item for next menu handler
AddMenuItem(effectmenu, projectile, "", ITEMDRAW_IGNORE);
SetMenuExitButton(effectmenu, true);
DisplayMenu(effectmenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
/* If the menu was cancelled, print a message to the server about it. */
else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
/* If the menu has ended, destroy it */
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
public Menu_Effect(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
/* If an option was selected, tell the client about the item. */
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
new String:effect[256];
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, effect, sizeof(effect));
new String:projectile[256];
GetMenuItem(menu, GetMenuItemCount(menu)-1, projectile, sizeof(projectile));
PrintToChat(param1, "[CP] Effect: %s", effect);
new String:steamid[256];
GetClientAuthString(param1, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
new String:sqlstr[1024];
Format(sqlstr, sizeof(sqlstr), "SELECT particle FROM clientParticles WHERE steamid='%s' AND proj='%s'", steamid, projectile);
new Handle:pck = CreateDataPack();
WritePackCell(pck, param1);
WritePackString(pck, steamid);
WritePackString(pck, projectile);
WritePackString(pck, effect);
SQL_TQuery(hDb, searchClassEffect, sqlstr, pck);
/* If the menu was cancelled, print a message to the server about it. */
else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
/* If the menu has ended, destroy it */
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
public searchClassEffect(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data)
if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE || strlen(error) > 0)
LogError("Query error: %s", error);
new client = ReadPackCell(data);
new String:steamid[256];
ReadPackString(data, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
new String:projectile[256];
ReadPackString(data, projectile, sizeof(projectile));
new String:effect[256];
ReadPackString(data, effect, sizeof(effect));
if (SQL_GetRowCount(hndl)) {
while (SQL_FetchRow(hndl))
new String:name[150];
SQL_FetchString(hndl, 0, name, sizeof(name))
if (strcmp(name, projectile) != 0)
PrintToServer("%s was foudn in db. Update!", name);
new String:sqlstr[1024];
Format(sqlstr, sizeof(sqlstr), "UPDATE clientParticles SET particle = '%s' WHERE steamid='%s' AND proj='%s'", effect, steamid, projectile);
SQL_TQuery(hDb, noRtnCllbck, sqlstr);
CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_Update, client);
PrintToServer("NOT foudn in db. Insert!");
new String:sqlstr[1024];
Format(sqlstr, sizeof(sqlstr), "INSERT INTO clientParticles (steamid,proj,particle) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')", steamid, projectile, effect);
SQL_TQuery(hDb, noRtnCllbck, sqlstr);
CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_Update, client);
public noRtnCllbck(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data)
if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE || strlen(error) > 0)
LogError("Query error: %s", error);
stock updateClientParticle(client)
if (IsClientInGame(client))
new String:steamid[256];
GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
new TFClassType:class = TF2_GetPlayerClass(client);
new String:proj[256];
if (class == TFClass_Soldier)
proj = "tf_projectile_rocket";
} else if (class == TFClass_DemoMan)
proj = "tf_projectile_pipe_remote";
} else
clientParticle[client] = NULL_STRING;
new String:sqlstr[1024];
Format(sqlstr, sizeof(sqlstr), "SELECT particle FROM clientParticles WHERE steamid='%s' AND proj='%s'", steamid, proj);
SQL_TQuery(hDb, updateClientParticleDbCallback, sqlstr, client);
public updateClientParticleDbCallback(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data)
if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE || strlen(error) > 0)
LogError("Query error: %s", error);
if (SQL_GetRowCount(hndl)) {
while (SQL_FetchRow(hndl))
new String:effect[256];
SQL_FetchString(hndl, 0, effect, sizeof(effect));
clientParticle[data] = effect;
PrintToServer("Effect for %N activated: %s", data, effect);
public OnEntityCreated(entity, const String:classname[])
if (StrEqual(classname, "tf_projectile_rocket") || StrEqual(classname, "tf_projectile_pipe_remote")) {
SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_Spawn, OnEntitySpawned);
public OnEntitySpawned(entity)
new client = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity");
if (client > 0 && IsClientInGame(client) && !StrEqual(clientParticle[client], NULL_STRING))
AddParticle(client, entity);
SDKUnhook(entity, SDKHook_Spawn, OnEntitySpawned);
stock AddParticle(client, entity)
new iClusters = 5, iIndex = -1;
new String:sParticle[256];
sParticle = clientParticle[client];
decl String:sExtras[64];
for (new i = 0; i < iClusters; i++)
while ((iIndex = SplitString(sParticle, ",", sExtras, sizeof(sExtras))) > -1)
CreateParticle(entity, sExtras, true);
strcopy(sParticle, sizeof(sParticle), sParticle[iIndex]);
CreateParticle(entity, sParticle, true);
stock CreateParticle(iEntity, String:sParticle[], bool:bAttach = false)
new iParticle = CreateEntityByName("info_particle_system");
if (IsValidEdict(iParticle))
decl Float:fPosition[3];
GetEntPropVector(iEntity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fPosition);
TeleportEntity(iParticle, fPosition, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
DispatchKeyValue(iParticle, "effect_name", sParticle);
if (bAttach)
AcceptEntityInput(iParticle, "SetParent", iEntity, iParticle, 0);
AcceptEntityInput(iParticle, "Start");
return iParticle;