linters-settings: dupl: threshold: 100 goconst: min-len: 3 min-occurrences: 4 gocritic: enabled-tags: - diagnostic - experimental - opinionated - performance - style disabled-checks: - whyNoLint - filepathJoin gomnd: checks: - argument - case - condition - return ignored-numbers: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '100' - '1000' ignored-functions: - strings.SplitN - os.OpenFile - os.MkdirAll - os.WriteFile govet: check-shadowing: false lll: line-length: 140 misspell: locale: US nolintlint: allow-unused: false # report any unused nolint directives require-explanation: false # don't require an explanation for nolint directives require-specific: false # don't require nolint directives to be specific about which linter is being skipped tagliatelle: case: use-field-name: true rules: # Any struct tag type can be used. # Support string case: `camel`, `pascal`, `kebab`, `snake`, `upperSnake`, `goCamel`, `goPascal`, `goKebab`, `goSnake`, `upper`, `lower`, `header`. json: snake yaml: snake xml: camel linters: enable-all: true disable: - gochecknoglobals - depguard - gci - gofumpt - goimports - varnamelen - funlen - cyclop - wsl - nosnakecase - nlreturn - godot - nestif - wrapcheck - gocognit - gocyclo - maintidx - nonamedreturns - exhaustivestruct - exhaustruct - forcetypeassert - godox - nakedret - tagalign - maligned # remove for new projects - errname - goerr113